
Usage Scenes

Patients with Suspected Health Checkup Results

Follow-up examinations for patients with suspected 12-lead ECG

Patients who Underwent Surgery for AF

Follow-up for patients who underwent catheter ablation

Patients currently under pharmacotherapy for AF

Patients who Received Alerts through Smart Watch

AF notifications

Notifications of irregular heart beats

Patients with History of Cerebral Infarction (with Unknown Cause)

AF detection for patients with onset of Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (ESUS)

Characteristics of SmartRobin AI Series


Prompt analysis of long-term ECG

  • Easy access to the application from any PC
  • Prompt analyzation of long-term ECG
  • Able to reduce doctor’s work-time, patient’s wait-time and number of clinic visits


Accuracy over 95%

  • Over 95% accuracy of detecting AF
  • Reduce the burden of over-reading of ECG results
* Taniguchi H et al. Int Heart J. 2021;62(3):534-539.


Intuitive and Comprehensive reports

Quick access to the target ECG waveform

Confirm detected AF waveform with “3 clicks” from the login screen

An auxiliary function (Beat Circle) that visually displays irregular fluctuations in RR intervals, characteristic of AF, allowing determination of the absence of atrial fibrillation


Reports specialized in diagnostic support for AF


  • Easy-to-read summary in color and horizontal layout
  • Percentage of AF segments on all days of the test at a glance

Heart rate trend graph

  • Heart rate variability during the day, making it easy to monitor the patient’s condition
  • Color-coded display of where AF detected

The waveform of AF

  • Display AI-detected typical AF waveforms for each test day
  • Allowing intuitive understanding of fluctuations in RR intervals with Beat Circle

Extensive waveform information

  • Maximum/ Minimum heartbeats
  • Maximum RR interval
  • Maximum consecutive attacks of SVPC
  • Maximum consecutive attacks of VPC

Comparison with conventional services


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